Mezuzah Loan
"Simple, yet innovative and original..."
What is a Mezuzah?
A Mezuzah is a Parchment scroll that has been written by a professional scribe. It contains two portions of the Torah that discuss the Jewish Faith. Every Mezuzah, no matter how simple or elaborate the exterior casing may be, contains the exact same inscription, the Shema Yisrael: "Hear O Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is One." It is traditionally attached to the doorpost of a Jewish home. Maimonides writes that the Mezuzah reminds us of the presence and the Unity of G‑d, arousing us to remember and love G‑d and follow His path. A 'Kosher' Mezuzah also brings protection and blessing - whether you are home or away.
The free case provided in this offer, is made of elegant, clear plastic. If you wish, you may provide your own case!
How do I get my very own Mezuzah Loan?
Simple! Just contact us to sign up. Then, we'll arrange a pickup time, or send it over to you.
The fine print.
Once hung, the Mezuzah is your personal responsibility. Please make sure nothing happens to it. (However, if something does, please tell us immediately).